Jacob Curr

While attempting to complete the entire Marinca fish collection in Dave the Diver, you’ll come across some fish that are harder to locate than others. This is because there are several fish that can only be found on certain map types, during certain times of day, or during certain types of weather. One of these fish is the small spotted dart. This is how you can find the small spotted dart in Dave the Diver.

The small spotted dart can be tough to find in the Blue Hole as it only appears on one map type. For those who haven’t realized, the Blue Hole changes each time you dive into it. This means that your selection of fish available to catch may be different each time you jump in. In order to catch the small spotted dart, you must be in the map type with the pink coral as seen below. It may take you a handful of dives to get the right map, so keep jumping in until you do.

The correct map type to find the small spotted dart fish is the one that is filled with lots of pink and red coral!
Once you find yourself in the correct map, it should be relatively easy to find the small spotted darts. We were able to most commonly find the small spotted darts near the surface of the water, all the way to the right side of the map. They are quite small, and you’ll know you have them if you can spot the three spots on their scales. They can usually be found in pairs.

Capture or kill the small spotted dart fish however you like (remember that capturing the fish without harming it will result in it being higher-graded) and rest easy knowing it had been added to your Marinca collection!
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